SMS car park “Blok 42”

Address: 2, Antifašističke borbe

Spaces: 443

  • disabled bays: 3

Working hours: 00-24 h (365 days a year)

Payment via SMS – Text is sent to one of the following numbers:

  • 8115 – per every commenced hour of parking
  • 8116 – for several hours – valid from moment of sending the SMS until the midnight

Text should contain only registration plate (no spaces between the numbers or letters).

  • Users whose mobile phone does not obtain the letters with diacritical signs should set the UTF8 or UNICODE, depending on phone platform, if their registration plates require this.

It is possible to send two or three text messages at once. When texting to prolong parking ticket, any sender can instead of the typing the whole registration plate, simply reply to the previously received SMS with the asterisk (*) .


Usluga Cena
For each hour(max 2 hours) 50.00
Daily ticket 1200.00
Daily Ticket discount of 50% is granted if the ticket is paid within the period of eight days 600.00
Weekly subscription for private cars, trailers and caravans 1000.00
Ticket per several hours 450.00
Monthly subscription for private cars, trailers and caravans 1500.00
Мonthly fee for passenger vehicles stands at OTC “New Belgrade”, especially in the confined space 1200.00