Transportation of school children in regular and special primary schools:
1. In the academic year 2013/2014. transportation of children with special needs is organized by buses and mini buses on the following lines:
Д5 (Restaurant Boleč – Karaburma – ОŠ “Veljko Ramadanović”)
Д6 (Voždovac – Miljakovac – ОŠ “Veljko Ramadanović”)
Д7 (ОŠ “Dragan Kovačević” – Ovča – Borča)
Д12 (ОŠ “Аnton Skala” – Sremčica)
Д15 (ОŠ “Аnton Skala” – Novi Beograd – Zemun)
Д18 (ОŠ “Аnton Skala” – Banovo Brdo – Rakovica
Д20 (ОŠ “Аnton Skala” – Mirijevo)
Д21 (ОŠ “Dragan Kovačević” – Batajnica – Zemun – Novi Beograd)
2. In the academic year 2013/2014. transportation of children to regular primary schools was organized by buses and mini buses on the following lines:
Д4 (ОŠ “Ilija Birčanin” – 13.maj)
Д8 (ОŠ “Olga Petrov” – Padinska skela)
Д9 (Batajnica – Busije)
Д16 (ОŠ “Gavrilo Princip” – Plavi horizonti)
Д19 (ОŠ “Sava Šumanović” – Plavi horizonti)
All information about school transport you can get over the phone: 011-21-55-772.